One Hour Service

One Hour Service
One Hour Service One Hour Service One Hour Service One Hour Service
Product Code: One Hour Service
Price: $7.99

Available Options

* Shorter Side ( 24-60 inch ): 

* Longer Side ( 36-300 inch ):

* Materials: 

Tube ( Mandatory for Paper Poster Shipping): 

How Many Letter Size Handout Copies ( Optional ): 

* Pick Up /Shipping Options:

In order to help us serve you better, this poster is for which event, conference or course?:

* Customers pay online when they approve the e-proof for printing: 

* I have read and accept the service description below:

* Upload File ( PDF Preferred ):

Price: Total:

Service available

The service is guaranteed by the terms of service. Customers can predict and control when the order is ready/delivered before and after placing order according to the terms of service. The customers take full responsibility to calculate that the order's pick-up/delivery schedule meets their presentation schedule. UTposter is only responsible for processing orders by terms of service and is not responsible for each individual's presentation schedule. Please don't waste your money to pay for anything useless. There is no refund.

­This section is for academic presentation posters. If your poster is for event display, advertisement, art, decoration etc., please order a graphic poster at “sign and display”.

We don't print posters with full, dark background color. 

We don't accept downgrade turnaround time order.

Email responding time is 1 to 6 hours from Monday to Satruday.

Service available: Mon - Sat. 9am - 6pm, except the holiday and whole long weekend. We don't take care of One Hour Service orders on Sunday and the whole long weekend, including responding to phone calls, emails, pick-ups etc. 

We accept order deadline: 3pm

Customers approve the E-proof and pay deadline: 4pm

Guaranteed ready time: 1 hour after the E-proof is approved and paid.

If you place the order after 3pm, approve the E-proof for printing and pay between 4pm to 9am, we process your order as next day's one hour service. Your order will be ready for pick up at 10am.   

Place Order

Please choose the correct turnaround time and fully fill in the correct information.

We are glad to accommodate all customers' needs. All customization has to be approved through email by UTposter before the order is placed. Without pre-approval, the order with customization requirements that conflicts with terms of service might be declined during order processing. 

The price is based on sqft. There is a 25% extra charge for a poster smaller than 10 sqft.

There is $2.99 default charge for fabric carry bag or fabric poster carry box on each poster. 


The order with valid file is received between 9am - 10am, Mon - Sat, E-proof will be emailed out between 10am - 11am.                      The order with valid file is received between 10am - 4pm, Mon - Sat, E-proof will be emailed out in about 1 hour.                              The order with valid file is received between 4pm - 9am, Mon - Sat, E-proof will be emailed out on comming turnaround day between 9am -10am.   

Please email us ASAP if you don't receive the E-proof in time.  Otherwise, we are not responsible for the delay.       

If you need to update the content of the poster, please email us the updated version. We will email you the updated e-proof within 2 hours during turnaround day. Please don't place a new order. Duplicate orders will delay all of your orders.

We guarantee the posters' resolution, the content and layout are the same with the E-proof. We don't guarantee the posters' color is exactly the same as the E-proof viewed on any screen. There might be color variations. For more details, please check the "Terms & Conditions" color section.

UTPoster doesn't check eproof and is not able to determine that each component of eproof is acceptable or not. It's each individual's personal judgement for each customize design. The customers take full responsibility for checking eproof and the printing results. UTPoster is not responsible for any problem in E-proof. Such as low resolution, mess code, shift, unexpected visible/invisible content, etc. 

Due to the limitations of online service, for the order has issues related with file/eproof, we recommend the customer to find other stores that have face-to-face service to get help.

Pick up

Please come to pick up once you receive an email notification "ready for pick up". After it's ready, you may pick it up at any time,  Mon - Sat, 9am-6pm. 


Customers pay online once the eproof is ready to print.

Update order information

Such as poster dimension, the address, email, quantity, turnaround service, shipping or pick-up method, and so on, please email us to cancel this order before you pay, and then submit a new order. We don’t update those types of information on behalf of our customers.


You may cancel your order by email before you pay. Please include your order number in the email subject. 

We don't accept cancellation once it's paid.

We don't accept cancellation by phone. 

We reserve the right of final explanations about the terms of service description.

university of Toronto research academic scientific poster printing/u of T research academic scientific poster printing Toronto/uft research academic scientific poster printing Toronto/ut research academic scientific poster printing Toronto/uhn research academic scientific poster printing/cheapest research academic scientific poster printing /Yorku York University research academic scientific poster printing/Ryerson university research academic scientific poster printing/Fabric research academic scientific poster printing Toronto/poster printing on fabric/printing posters on fabric/standard conference poster size/Toronto conference booklets printing/uoft uft ut university of Toronto thesis printing binding/flyer printing/Foam board/research day

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